Kişisel Sayfaları
İlgi Alanları
First and foremost, I am a leader and entrepreneur. I am also a computer engineer. Still ongoing, throughout my entire learning life, I have always been and continue to be intertwined with technology ...
First and foremost, I am a leader and entrepreneur. I am also a computer engineer. Still ongoing, throughout my entire learning life, I have always been and continue to be intertwined with technology and its derivatives. I am open to learning new technologies. I thrive creating scalable engineering environments and processes with strong vision and solid fundamentals to enable businesses and fuel innovation. Having a strong academic and commercial research background, I help people navigate through the technology space. I also have many open source projects on GitHub and anyone can access and benefit from it. And you can also check out my HackerRank profile and see my skills and achievements. I lead my engineering teams by example, living their lives and fighting their fights. I know how to help and guide people and my teammates. I am very prone to teamwork and always take the necessary responsibilities and initiatives as a leader, I do not hesitate to do so. I have always given the necessary importance to both my academic life and my social life. I am now in the 3rd year of my education. My department is computer engineering. I haven't completed my school yet, but my current GPA is (3,72/4) - 3.72 out of 4 and I am still continuing my education. During my studies at the university, I had the opportunity to work in many different languages. These: C, Java, JavaScript, ReactJS, NodeJS, VueJS, HTML, CSS, Python. I am a member of AHBAP association, I am a member of many non-governmental organizations and non-governmental organizations such as TEMA, GreenPeace, Diversity and I take an active role. I am a member of software and computer science clubs at the university and have served as a manager in several clubs.
İş Tecrubesi
Yazılım geliştirme
Yapay zeka ve makine öğrenmesi üzerine projelerde çalışıyorum.
Intern Machine Learning Engineer
Eğitim Geçmişi
(3,64 / 4) derecesiyle mezun oldu.
Sertifikalar & Başarılar
Kullanıcıya ait test sonucu bulunmamaktadır.
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10Kullanıcıya ait forum aktivitesi bulunmamaktadır.
Başvurular bitti mail gelen oldu mu?
12 Aralık son gün, o güne kadar dönüş yapabilirler.
Java 101 sertifikamı aldım ya sonra?
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İşe girebilir miyim?
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Video Donması
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Merhaba sanırım internet veya sistemsel bir hata, çıkış yapıp tekrar girebilir veya sayfayı yenileyerek tekrar testi çözebilirsiniz. #python #veri-bilimi-ve-yapay-zekaya-giris