Arduino kod birleştirme
01.02.2023 - 02:45
bu kodu nasıl birleştirebilirim? yani her iki sensörden de seri portta veri almak istiyorum.
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Bu kısmı anlamakta güçlük çekiyorum daha iyi bir açıklaması var mı?
Bu kısmı anlamakta güçlük çekiyorum daha iyi bir açıklaması var mı?
Data processing example
This example shows how to process raw readings from the sensors to get acceleration in m/s^2,
angular velocity in dps (degrees per second) and magnetic flux density in T (Tesla).
#include <MPU9255.h>// include MPU9255 library
#define g 9.81 // 1g ~ 9.81 m/s^2
#define magnetometer_cal 0.06 //magnetometer calibration
MPU9255 mpu;
//process raw acceleration data
//input = raw reading from the sensor, sensor_scale = selected sensor scale
//returns : acceleration in m/s^2
double process_acceleration(int input, scales sensor_scale )
To get acceleration in 'g', each reading has to be divided by :
-> 16384 for +- 2g scale (default scale)
-> 8192 for +- 4g scale
-> 4096 for +- 8g scale
-> 2048 for +- 16g scale
double output = 1;
//for +- 2g
if(sensor_scale == scale_2g)
output = input;
output = output/16384;
output = output*g;
//for +- 4g
if(sensor_scale == scale_4g)
output = input;
output = output/8192;
output = output*g;
//for +- 8g
if(sensor_scale == scale_8g)
output = input;
output = output/4096;
output = output*g;
//for +-16g
if(sensor_scale == scale_16g)
output = input;
output = output/2048;
output = output*g;
return output;
//process raw gyroscope data
//input = raw reading from the sensor, sensor_scale = selected sensor scale
//returns : angular velocity in degrees per second
double process_angular_velocity(int16_t input, scales sensor_scale )
To get rotation velocity in dps (degrees per second), each reading has to be divided by :
-> 131 for +- 250 dps scale (default value)
-> 65.5 for +- 500 dps scale
-> 32.8 for +- 1000 dps scale
-> 16.4 for +- 2000 dps scale
//for +- 250 dps
if(sensor_scale == scale_250dps)
return input/131;
//for +- 500 dps
if(sensor_scale == scale_500dps)
return input/65.5;
//for +- 1000 dps
if(sensor_scale == scale_1000dps)
return input/32.8;
//for +- 2000 dps
if(sensor_scale == scale_2000dps)
return input/16.4;
return 0;
//process raw magnetometer data
//input = raw reading from the sensor, sensitivity =
//returns : magnetic flux density in μT (in micro Teslas)
double process_magnetic_flux(int16_t input, double sensitivity)
To get magnetic flux density in μT, each reading has to be multiplied by sensitivity
(Constant value different for each axis, stored in ROM), then multiplied by some number (calibration)
and then divided by 0.6 .
(Faced North each axis should output around 31 µT without any metal / walls around
Note : This manetometer has really low initial calibration tolerance : +- 500 LSB !!!
Scale of the magnetometer is fixed -> +- 4800 μT.
return (input*magnetometer_cal*sensitivity)/0.6;
void setup() {
Serial.begin(115200);// initialize Serial port
Serial.println("initialization failed");
Serial.println("initialization successful!");
void loop() {
//take readings
////process and print acceleration data////
//X axis
Serial.print("AX: ");
//Y axis
Serial.print(" AY: ");
//Z axis
Serial.print(" AZ: ");
////process and print gyroscope data////
//X axis
Serial.print(" GX: ");
//Y axis
Serial.print(" GY: ");
//Z axis
Serial.print(" GZ: ");
////process and print magnetometer data////
//X axis
Serial.print(" MX: ");
//Y axis
Serial.print(" MY: ");
//Z axis
Serial.print(" MZ: ");
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_Sensor.h>
#include <Adafruit_BMP085_U.h>
Adafruit_BMP085_Unified bmp = Adafruit_BMP085_Unified(10085);
void setup() {
if (!bmp.begin()) {
Serial.println("Could not find a valid BMP085 sensor, check wiring!");
while (1);
void loop() {
sensors_event_t event;
if (event.pressure) {
float altitude = bmp.pressureToAltitude(1013.25, event.pressure, 0);
Serial.print("Altitude: ");
Serial.println(" meters");
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